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Let's Get Together Now! - OMORI

Exams soon 30/05/2024

I have my final exams very soon and unfortunately haven't been able to study much ;-; I'm hoping I can really just focus throughout the next few days so I can do a little bit better than I would now. I'm worried but I think it'll be alright!
On another note, I drew again yesterday. The piece will be in my art gallery so please check it out! ^-^ I wanted to illustrate the concept of 'recovery' and how that feels to me - it can often be unpleasant, and you may have to dig up painful feelings and memories in order to truly recover. It's tedious and painful, like cleaning blood from between bathroom tiles. I drew my OC cleaning up her own dead body to illustrate this. I think it turned out pretty good - not exactly as I imagined, but I'm happy with it. (❁´◡`❁) There might not be much art for a while due to exams, but that's not too different from the usual. Either way, I'm looking forward to making more stuff like this.

Remaking this website :) 26/05/2024

Although I liked the aesthetic of my previous neocities website, I mostly used a template to make it out of laziness. I thought it was a bit of a shame considering I can write HTML to an alright degree, and the site ended up not having a lot of my own personality. For those reasons, I decided to remake it from the ground-up and really make it my own this time! It's definitely not the best it could be and there's still things I want to add to it, but it's finally in a state where I can put it online. (๑•̀ㅂ•́)و✧ I'm having a lot of fun making it and I'm planning on hiding lots of secrets and other fun stuff around.

My worry is that I'll forget to make updates like last time, but I doubt it considering how much fun I've been having thus far. That's all I have to say right now, but please check in every now and then if you want to see more of my thoughts!

Last updated: 22/05/2024